IC1396 (The Elephant Trunk Nebula)

IC1396, also known as The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula, is a region full of installer gas and dust. This isn’t as colorful as my previous images, but it’s a fun target to image. Elephant’s Trunk Nebula is a star-forming region with several young stars.

I took this at Cherry Springs State Park, PA, over the last new moon weekend.

Click here for more details.

Messier 33 (The Triangulum Galaxy)

Messier 33 also known as the Triangulum Galaxy is one of the most beautiful face-on galaxies in the night sky. This is part of our local group of galaxies which includes, Andromeda, The Magellanic Clouds, and our own Milkyway.

I took this image at Cherry Springs State Park a truly dark site in Pennsylvania.

Click here for more details.