Messier 13 (The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules)

This is my second attempt at Messier 13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules. When I attempted this target last year I only had about 10 minutes of data.

This time I was able to spend a lot more time and get about 2 hours of data. I want to attempt this again, with even more time.

Click here for more details

Messier 101 (Pinwheel Galaxy)

Messier 101, commonly known as the Pinwheel Galaxy is a great target to image during galaxy season. I captured this image over multiple nights in NJ and at a dark site in Cherry Springs, PA.

With this target, I had gone back to my native focal length of 952mm by removing my Starizona Apex 0.65x Focal Reducer.

I had to throw away over 50 frames during this session due to focusing issues I was facing with NINA.

Click here for more details.