Messier 81 & 82, with surrounding IFN

This is M81 & M82, also known as Bode’s and the Cigar Galaxy. This is a pair of beautiful galaxies in Ursa Major. Also in this image, is NGC3077. This is my longest image to date. I spent most of the time with the luminance filter. I was trying to capture the IFN that’s surrounding the region in the sky.

This group of galaxies is the closest galaxy group to our own very local group of galaxies which include the Milky Way

This was a total of 43 hours and 4 minutes of exposure time.

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Messier 31 (Andromeda Galaxy)

M31 (Andromeda Galaxy) is the galaxy closest to us. This is a very bright object which can be observed with our naked eye.

This is my third attempt at our closest neighbor. I took this while I was at Cherry Springs State Park for the Black Forest Star Party.

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Messier 51 (Whirlpool Galaxy)

Messier 51, also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy is a face-on spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici located about 30 million light-years away from us.

I took this in June over multiple times and was able to collect about 8 hours of data.

Click here for more details.

Messier 101 (Pinwheel Galaxy)

Messier 101, commonly known as the Pinwheel Galaxy is a great target to image during galaxy season. I captured this image over multiple nights in NJ and at a dark site in Cherry Springs, PA.

With this target, I had gone back to my native focal length of 952mm by removing my Starizona Apex 0.65x Focal Reducer.

I had to throw away over 50 frames during this session due to focusing issues I was facing with NINA.

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Messier 81 & 82 (Bode’s and Cigar Galaxy)

This is M81 & M82, also known as Bode’s and the Cigar Galaxy. This is a pair of beautiful galaxies in Ursa Major. Also in this image, is NGC3077.

This group of galaxies is the closest galaxy group to our own very local group of galaxies which include the Milky Way

This was the first target I imaged with my new telescope, the Explore Scientific FCD 100 Carbon Fiber 127mm Triplet. This was a total of 18 hours and 50 minutes of exposure time.

Click here for more details.

Messier 33 (The Triangulum Galaxy)

Messier 33 also known as the Triangulum Galaxy is one of the most beautiful face-on galaxies in the night sky. This is part of our local group of galaxies which includes, Andromeda, The Magellanic Clouds, and our own Milkyway.

I took this image at Cherry Springs State Park a truly dark site in Pennsylvania.

Click here for more details.

Messier 31 (Andromeda Galaxy)

M31 (Andromeda Galaxy) is the galaxy closest to us. This is a very bright object which can be observed with our naked eye.

I took this image of M31 in 2014. The target is not in focus, I have since gotten a Bahtinov mask to avoid future issues. Even this blurry image is a lot better than my previous attempt where I have star trails.

Click here for more details.