NGC 6888 (The Crescent Nebula)

NGC6888 Crescent Nebula This is NGC 6888 also known as the Crescent Nebula. I do not understand the name at all. Some people call i the Horseshoe Crab Nebula or Euro Sign nebula. I like the name Space Brain Nebula.

This was my first narrowband image. I processed it using an HOO Palette. I’m quite proud of the results I was able to achieve with this. I had originally planned on getting some RGB data for star colors, but time and the weather worked against me.

Click here for more details.

NGC 6888 (The Crescent Nebula)

NGC 6888 also known as The Crescent Nebula. However, I like to call it the Horseshoe Crab Nebula. This is 50 exposures over two nights. This is an incredibly faint object and I underestimated how much time I would need.

I need to work on processing. If you zoom in, you can see how my star mask affects the final image.

I also used an Optolong L-Pro filter during this image to cut down on light pollution.

Click here for more details.